Products & Services
Licencing Services (Optional)
BLS will ensure that all vehicles are registered and licenced with the local authorities in accordance with the Road Traffic Act.
In terms of ensuring vehicles comply with legislation, BLS will:
- Process license due reports two months prior to license expiry dates
- BLS will pro actively schedule vehicles required for COF and simultaneously arrange for the same vehicles to be inspected to determine vehicle condition, cleanliness of vehicle and report on anomalies relating to abuse
- BLS will continuously provide updates regarding pending legislation changes that may materially affect the conditions relating to the services agreement i.e. introduction of COF requirements every six months on busses and twelve months of passenger and light commercial vehicles
- BLS Client Service Managers will ensure that all license discs are affixed to the relevant vehicles prior to expiry date
- BLS will produce license and COF due and overdue reports on a monthly basis and will make same available as and when required